Lindsey Konkel

Lindsey Konkel

2015 Winner

Lindsey Konkel is an independent journalist focusing on health and environmental issues. Her stories have appeared in publications such as National Geographic, Science, and Environmental Health Perspectives. Her 2012 story, “Stress + pollution = health risks for low-income kids,” was part of the Environmental Health News series on “Pollution, Poverty, People of Color,” which received Honorable Mention in the Oakes Award for Distinguished Environmental Journalism. Lindsey previously worked as editor and staff writer at the website Environmental Health News. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from NYU’s Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program and a bachelor’s degree in biology from College of the Holy Cross.

Lindsey will spend her time as recipient of the Award investigating the health consequences of racial and ethnic inequalities that exist in biomedical research. The people most affected by disease are often those least studied. For many diseases, the effectiveness of treatments has been shown to vary by race and ethnicity, yet most studies on the genetics of disease have been conducted in people of European descent. The project will build upon Lindsey’s previous reporting on under-represented minorities in lung disease research.

2016 update: Konkel was named a Livingston Award finalist for Excellence in National Reporting for her Newsweek article.

Reporting Award Articles

The Racial Discrimination Embedded in Modern Medicine


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Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Research Studies: The Challenge of Creating More Diverse Cohorts

Research Gate

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