Creating a Video Screen Capture with Audio

You will need to install Soundflower to capture both video and audio. Follow these steps to ensure that Soundflower is functioning on your machine:

1. Check to see if the program is installed on your computer

In Finder, search your APPLICATIONS folder for Soundflower. If you see it, skip to step 3. If you don’t see it, you need to install it. You will not be able to install Soundflower (or any program) on a school computer. You may need to do the capture on your own machine.

2. Download the software from this link.

Download the DMG file at the bottom of the page. Follow the steps of the installation process.

3. Once Soundflower is installed, open it from your applications folder.

You’ll see a flower appear at the top of your screen. Click on it to reveal the menu below:

Screenshot of sunflower 2ch with OFF selected as Built-in Output.

Under the purple flower, choose BUILT-IN OUTPUT. Ignore the settings under the green flower.

4. Click the Apple at the top left of your screen, and select SYSTEM PREFERENCES.

Open the sound menu. Select Soundflower as your audio output:

Selecting audio output screenshot

This will route all of your computer’s audio through Soundflower. If you’re playing audio while you make the settings change, your audio may cut out. Simply hit one of your volume buttons to bring your audio back.

Creating a Video Screen Capture with Audio guide.