Institute News

Author Ta-Nehisi Coates to Join Faculty of NYU’s Carter Journalism Institute

Ta-Nehisi Coates, author of Between the World and Me, will join the faculty of New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute as a Distinguished Writer in Residence.

BER student Charles Rollet has been named a 2017 Overseas Press Club Scholar

Business and Economic graduate student Charles Rollet was named a 2017 OPC scholar.

GloJo Alumna Maggy Donaldson wins award from ILO

Maggy Donaldson, GloJo- French Studies 2015, wins Award for Excellence in reporting on “Breaking Stereotypes on Labour Migration” from the International Labor Organization.

GloJo Student Lauren Gurley Receives 2016 Equal Voice Award

Lauren Gurley Receives 2016 Equal Voice Award from Marguerite C. Casey Foundation to report on rural poverty in Appalachia and the Deep South.

NewsDoc Alumna Nanfu Wang and Adjunct Kirsten Johnson made the Oscar Feature Documentary short list

Congratulations to Newsdoc alum Nanfu Wang for Hooligan Sparrow and Newsdoc Adjunct Professor Kirsten Johnson for Cameraperson.

NYU Journalism joins Google News Lab University Network

The Google News Lab University Network is designed to provide training and support to journalism students and professors

NewsDoc Alumna Nanfu Wang wins Emerging Filmmaker award

News & Documentary Alumna Nanfu Wang, director of Hooligan Sparrow, will receive the IDA’s Emerging Documentary Filmmaker Award.

SHERP Professor, Alumna Win AAAS Science Journalism Awards

Prof. Stephen Hall won the magazine category for a story on gene editing. Anna Rothschild (SHERP 28) won the children's science news category for her "Gross Science" videos.

Election 2016: State of Pennsylvania

Reporting NY/The Nation and BER students publish website covering the election in both Philadelphia and Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Graduate Studies Director Charles Seife wins “Information is Beautiful” 2016 Data Journalism Award

"Spies in the Skies" by Peter Aldhous & Charles Seife wins "Information is Beautiful" 2016 Data Journalism Award.

Best-Selling Author Mary Roach is Inaugural Simons Visiting Science Journalist at NYU

Science writer and humorist Mary Roach, best-selling author of six books, is visiting the Carter Institute Oct. 12-14 with the support of the Simons Foundation.

Lit Rep 2017 graduate student Sarah Stodder wins award

The San Francisco Peninsula Press Club awarded Sarah Stodder for her San Francisco Magazine piece “$1.2 Million. 13 Offers. 400k Over Asking. For This?”