The New Yorker
January 15th, 2019
The Saudi Government’s Global Campaign to Silence Its Critics
Sarah Aziza
Literary Reportage 2017
WBUR 90.9
January 10th, 2019
Did Troop Deployment At The U.S.-Mexico Border Make A Difference?
Carson Frame
Literary Reportage 2017
Wrath-Bearing Tree
January 10th, 2019
An Exchange of Fire
Jerad Alexander
Literary Reportage 2019
January 7th, 2019
Queer Films Won Big at the Globes — But Queer Representation Did Not
Mathew Rodriguez
Literary Reportage 2017
Wellesley Centers for Women
January 6th, 2019
Detroit by the Numbers
Shirley Nwangwa
Literary Reportage 2018
The Washington Post
December 10th, 2018
Saudi Arabia’s brutal treatment of female reformers should have woken us up long ago
Sarah Aziza
Literary Reportage 2017
The Atavist Magazine
December 6th, 2018
Blood Cries Out
Sean Patrick Cooper
Literary Reportage 2013
December 4th, 2018
Teens Take Charge – Education Panel On What It’s Like To Be Left Behind
D.J. Cashmere
Literary Reportage 2019
Huffington Post
November 26th, 2018
Why It Matters That Alex Trebek Mispronounced The Name Of My People On ‘Jeopardy!’
Shirley Nwangwa
Literary Reportage 2018
November 11th, 2018
Arrival Of Thousands Of Troops At Southern U.S. Border Incites Both Fear And Calm
Carson Frame
Literary Reportage 2017
November 4th, 2018
A Heartwrenching Story About Why Teachers Are Leaving DC in Droves
Sarah Stodder
Literary Reportage 2017
The Baffler
November 4th, 2018
American Ghostwriter
Sean Patrick Cooper
Literary Reportage 2013
New York Magazine
November 2nd, 2018
Companion Robots Are Helping Autistic Children Feel Comfortable in School
Morgan Sykes
Literary Reportage 2018
November 2nd, 2018
Tankestreger – Billeder fra filosofien
Soren Steensig Jakobsen
Literary Reportage 2020
November 2nd, 2018
In America’s Science Classrooms, the Creep of Climate Skepticism
Sean Patrick Cooper
Literary Reportage 2013
Bedford + Bowery
November 1st, 2018
Jane Greengold and Her Brooklyn Neighbors Set a New Pumpkin-Impalement Record
Neel Dhanesha
Literary Reportage 2019
Bedford + Bowery
October 29th, 2018
Elizabeth Street Garden Ralliers to City: ‘Hands Off My Bush’
Ryan Krause
Literary Reportage 2020
Bedford + Bowery
October 24th, 2018
Academy Award Winner Gets Trapped in Fake Rock, Holds Hundreds Captive
Spencer Green
Literary Reportage 2019
Bedford + Bowery
October 23rd, 2018
Landlords, Activists Clash as City Council Mulls Small Business Jobs Survival Act
D.J. Cashmere
Literary Reportage 2019
October 22nd, 2018
What Locktober, A Month of Locking Up Your Cock, Can Teach All Queer Men About Sexuality
Mathew Rodriguez
Literary Reportage 2017
The Guardian
October 18th, 2018
Ann Coulter believes the left has ‘lost its mind’. Should we listen?
J Oliver Conroy
Literary Reportage 2018
Los Angeles Review of Books
October 18th, 2018
Reading the Classics to Resist Misogyny
Sam Argyle
Literary Reportage 2018
Los Angeles Review of Books
October 15th, 2018
Asylum, Again: Why We Need to Stop Punishing the Mentally Ill
Taylor Beck
Literary Reportage 2012
The Intercept
October 12th, 2018
Jamal Khashoggi Wasn’t the First — Saudi Arabia Has Been Going After Dissidents Abroad for Decades
Sarah Aziza
Literary Reportage 2017