
Literary Reportage alum D.J. Cashmere wins 2nd place in 2019 Threesis Academic Challenge
The Threesis is a vehicle to showcase the academic excellence and important scholarly work of GSAS master’s students.

NYU Journalism is awarded $105k Luminary Fellowship for podcast journalism
The fellowship will sponsor students pursuing careers in podcast journalism in public broadcasting, providing funds for tuition or stipends.

Lit Rep Alum Ryan Sweikert launches new podcast “Believable” at Narratively
"Believable" is about how narratives define how we are, and how personal perspectives can conflict.

Congratulations to NYU Journalism Lit Rep Graduate Natalie Lampert on becoming a 2017 fellow at the Logan Nonfiction Program
Congratulations to Natalie Lampert, Literary Reportage 2016, for becoming a 2017 fellow at the Logan Nonfiction Program at the Carey Institute for Global Good.

Lit Rep Student Ryan Sweikert Wins 2017 Miller Audio Prize for Audio Documentary
Ryan Sweikert, Lit Rep 2018, wins for “Short of Breath” in The Missouri Review’s 10th Annual 2017 Miller Audio Prize.

NYU Journalism Student Sarah Stodder (Lit Rep 2017) Wins GSAS Threesis Academic Challenge
Literary Reportage MA student Sarah Stodder took first place in the annual Threesis Academic Challenge held by the Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS) at NYU.

Lit Rep 2017 graduate student Sarah Stodder wins award
The San Francisco Peninsula Press Club awarded Sarah Stodder for her San Francisco Magazine piece “$1.2 Million. 13 Offers. 400k Over Asking. For This?”

Two NYU Journalism Students Chosen for Unique International Ethics Program
Christopher Crosby and Natalie Lampert Join Groundbreaking Program for Journalists

NYU Journalism Students Chosen for Unique International Ethics Program
Kristian Jebsen and Laura Smith, graduate students at New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, are two of 12 journalism students and young journalists chosen by FASPE (Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics) to participate in a two-week program that will take place this summer in Germany and Poland.