About RTN / RNY
A multifaceted journalistic approach to a multifaceted country.
Reporting the Nation & New York: In Multimedia teaches reporters how to adapt themselves to the story, not the other way around. Students learn to combine and, at times, rebel against traditional media while innovating new ways to tell stories in an exciting new age of journalism.
The only thing that can hold you back is you.
We work in all mediums and learn everything from stand ups, to traditional TV and print journalism, photography, audio slideshows, audio, social media, data viz, innovative content management systems. We are always looking forward, yet we respect the past.
And we travel.
New York City and the Nation is our lab. Your work will appear in our award winning publication Pavement Pieces. You will graduate with a web portfolio filled with diverse stories in all mediums and a great launch into your career.
Latest News

New York University’s Reporting the Nation-Reporting New York cohort traveled to Robeson County in North Carolina the weekend before the 2024 election.
Robeson County was historically a Democratic stronghold, swinging to Donald J. Trump in 2016 and 2020. RTN-NY students reported on the ground in Lumbee county, analyzing voting patterns and how locals were leaning in the days leading up to the election. Read more on pavementpieces.com.

Reporting the Nation & New York Student Thomas Hengge Wins EPPY Award for Best Photojournalism on a College Website
Hengge was awarded an Editor and Publisher's EPPY Award for best college photojournalism on a college website for his work on PavementPieces.com.
Our Work
Read these links to see some of the exciting work students have done as we report on cities and communities all over the country.
Southern Stories: Today’s Alabama