
New York University’s Reporting the Nation-Reporting New York cohort traveled to Robeson County in North Carolina the weekend before the 2024 election.
Robeson County was historically a Democratic stronghold, swinging to Donald J. Trump in 2016 and 2020. RTN-NY students reported on the ground in Lumbee county, analyzing voting patterns and how locals were leaning in the days leading up to the election. Read more on

Reporting the Nation & New York Student Thomas Hengge Wins EPPY Award for Best Photojournalism on a College Website
Hengge was awarded an Editor and Publisher's EPPY Award for best college photojournalism on a college website for his work on

Reporting the Nation & NY students produce special report “Shutdown: The Coronavirus” on Pavement Pieces
The students are reporting on the nation as it copes with an international pandemic that has shut down the country.

RTN/RNY and GloJo alums win Amnesty International Award
Claire Tighe (RTN/RNY) and Lauren Gurley (GloJo) win in Student Journalism for their story “Official Reports of Violence Against Women in Puerto Rico Unreliable After Hurricane Maria”

Four NYU students selected for Dow Jones News Fund internship program
Two NYU undergraduates, Taylor Rogers and Kaitlyn Wang, as well as two NYU graduates, Alexandra Garfinkle and Justin Hicks, were chosen as Dow Jones News Fund interns for this summer.

Grad Students Report on the border for “La Linea: Stories from El Paso”
Reporting the Nation and New York in Multimedia, traveled to the US-Mexico border city of El Paso, Texas to report on one of nation’s most contentious issues: immigration.

Election 2016: State of Pennsylvania
Reporting NY/The Nation and BER students publish website covering the election in both Philadelphia and Scranton, Pennsylvania.