Course Planning and Sequencing

Full-time and part-time options to complete an online master’s in American Journalism

The following are required to earn your degree, no matter which pathway you choose:

  • The degree requires eight courses totaling 30-32 credits to complete.
  • There are five required courses: Reporting the News, Feature Writing, Longform Narrative, Investigative Reporting, and Law & Ethics.
    • The following courses must be taken in order: Reporting the News, Feature Writing, then Long-Form Narrative.
    • Investigative Reporting should be taken after Reporting the News.

Required courses flowchart ajo

  • You will complete three elective courses. The electives are Multimedia Storytelling, Audio Storytelling, The Broadcast Newsroom, Media Startups & News Innovations, The Working Journalist, Advanced Audio Storytelling and Photojournalism.

AJO Elective Chart

  • You may take summers off as long as you complete the program within 5 years.
  • Every course is worth four credits, except The Working Journalist which is two credits.

Example Pathways to Graduation

One (3 Semester) Year Track

Online Journalism Pathway: 1 Year (Read below for details)

Fall (1st semester)

  • Reporting the News
  • Law & Ethics
  • Elective 1 (Prerequisites may apply)

Spring (2nd semester)

  • Feature Writing (Prerequisite: Reporting the News)
  • Investigative Reporting (Prerequisite: Reporting the News)
  • Elective 2 (Prerequisites may apply)

Summer (3rd semester)

  • Long-Form Narrative (Prerequisites: Reporting the News, Feature Writing)
  • Elective 3 (Prerequisites may apply)


One and a Half (3 – 4 Semester) Year Track

Online Journalism Pathway: 1.5 Year (Read below for details)

Fall (1st semester)

  • Reporting the News
  • Law & Ethics
  • Elective 1 (Prerequisites may apply)

Spring (2nd semester)

  • Feature Writing (Prerequisite: Reporting the News)
  • Investigative Reporting (Prerequisite: Reporting the News)
  • Elective 2 (Prerequisites may apply)

Summer (3rd semester)

  • Long-Form Narrative (Prerequisites: Reporting the News, Feature Writing)
  • Or take the summer off

Fall (4th semester)

  • Long-Form Narrative (if not completed over the summer) (Prerequisites: Reporting the News, Feature Writing)
  • Elective 3 (Prerequisites may apply)


Two Year (4 – 5 Semester) Track

Online Journalism Pathway: 2 Year (Read below for details)

Fall (1st semester)

  • Reporting the News
  • Law & Ethics

Spring (2nd semester)

  • Feature Writing (Prerequisite: Reporting the News)
  • Elective 1 (Prerequisites may apply)

Summer (3rd semester)

  • Long-Form Narrative (Prerequisites: Reporting the News, Feature Writing)
  • Or take the summer off

Fall (4th semester)

  • Investigative Reporting (Prerequisite: Reporting the News)
  • Elective 2 (Prerequisites may apply)

Spring (5th semester)

  • Long-Form Narrative (if not completed the previous summer) (Prerequisites: Reporting the News, Feature Writing)
  • Elective 3 (Prerequisites may apply)


Complete in 2+ years (Part-time)

Students going part-time can take one course per semester or go at their own pace, as long as they honor prerequisites and graduate within 5 years.